These are some things I learned from Yoast <-- some SEO guy that lots of people think talks sense (including me).Normally if you have a wordpress blog your post titles will be like this. Blog name >> Archive >> Post title
That's kind is the wrong way around. People and search engines tend to give the early words more attention. So if your theme allows you to set the page title on a post by post basis then make sure you get your main keywords in early.
That's kind is the wrong way around. People and search engines tend to give the early words more attention. So if your theme allows you to set the page title on a post by post basis then make sure you get your main keywords in early.
(if your theme doesn't allow that then grab Yoast SEO free plugin from
let's imagine your bicycle gears were slipping. You did some research on how to adjust your bicycle derailleur and found some videos and other tutorials. You fixed it, yey! try to remember the exact words you used in the google search box to find that info.
That's the sort of thing that gets used in the title.
"rear derailleur adjustment - useful articles"
"how to adjust a rear derailleur - different views"
"how to adjust a rear derailleur - different views"
It helps if you can embed some youtube videos in your post. Google loves youtube! if a video can be shown in the search results then google will try to show one so include a video and give it a description.
Now, rather than have one solution. Have many so people see your post as more valuable because it has more info. It works, trust me.
You need more than titles though. Google wont always magically find you. There are things you can do to give it a little kick. You've heard of backlinks right? They're the one thing that everyone agrees that google looks at when ranking your site.
- Backlinks on sites are good.
- Backlinks on relevant sites are great.
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