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Thursday, 25 July 2013

What Should You Know About Alexa Ranking

What Should You Know About Alexa

What Should You Know About Alexa

I am sure if you are a blogger or a webmaster, then you would have come across the word 'alexa rank'. It is often used by bloggers to show their traffic rank globally. Well! There is lot of misconceptions about alexa rank that people often do. Something that not everyone know about alexa, they should know it.Bloggers give alexa rank a place after google pagerank. With honestly, alexa is not going to help you increasing your site traffic, then why people give it such priority and why it is so important. Let's find it here.

First, What Is Alexa Rank and How It Works.

Alexa.com is a 'web information company' they define themselves. It is known as 'traffic measure' to all bloggers. Alexa is the best choice of almost all bloggers for checking their site global rank and it ranks about 30 millions of sites. Alexa rank gets updated daily and it provides an estimated traffic of your blog with lots of data like source of traffic, keywords used to visit your blog and many more.

Their ranking techniques is the worst, it's because they actually monitor that traffic which passes through their system, means through their alexa toolbar. It surely means that either you should have alexa widget on your blog or visitors should have alexa toolbar installed in their browsers. That's the reason why a site or blog about blogging and technology ranks higher in alexa rank rather than other sites.

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Factors Affecting the Alexa Rank.

Bounce Rates:- I think you know this and that's why I am telling the ways of reducing bounce rate. This can be reduced in two ways. First, you should link external link by using target='_blank'. But remember don't use it so much, either google crawler will not recognize it a legitimate backlinks. Secondly, to deliver the accurate content what your post headline promises. People will find it what they are searching for either they will close tab in two seconds.

Pageviews:- Here, again I think you know about this. So, there is also two ways to increase your pageviews. First, you should deliver content regularly and using of internal linking techniques to link your other posts, this will try to engage visitors with your blog. Second, you can use related posts widget to engage visitors with your blog. In bonus, you can advertise your blog to make traffic, but it will cost you something.

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Why You Should Not Give More Attention to Alexa Rank?

As I have said at the starting of this post, alexa is not going to increase your site traffic. That's the reason why it is not so important to give your valuable time and attention to such a stupid things. Alexa has not any individual crawlers like google that can track your blog pageviews. Alexa gather a site's data either by their alexa toolbar or alexa rank widget installed on that site.

Some guys may give some stupid ideas for increasing your alexa rank, like installing alexa toolbar in your browser, reviewing about alexa on your blog, linking to alexa in that review, review of your blog on alexa or so on. But, remember that this will not increase your site rank. The only way to increase is to provide quality, interesting and unique content to your readers, this will increase numbers of readers and your site will traffic increase. And after you have a huge traffic, alexa will follow you.

Remember, newbie should installed alexa rank widget on their blog as I have done because new blogs get less traffic that is negligible, but every single traffic is valuable for your blog to increase site rank.

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Then, Why It Is So Important?

Yes! This is true why almost all webmasters give it second place after google pagerank. This is because many webmasters assume that it gives reputation of your blog before visitors. About 75% advertisers first check your blog's alexa rank before they request you to advertise for them. Before requesting for a guest post, many bloggers check this.

At Last Of Post.

  • You should not totally focus on alexa rank.
  • Alexa rank is only important for your site reputation.
  • Providing quality content is only way to increase alexa rank.
  • Newbie must have installed alexa rank widget on their blogs.
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    What Should You Know About Alexa

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