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Friday, 26 July 2013

Make Your Blog Ready For Google's Changing Algorithm

Make Your Blog Ready For Google's Changing Algorithm

Make Your Blog Ready For Google's Changing Algorithm

Google always changes its algorithm to search websites. In past years, Google introduced Google Panda and Google Penguin which effect many websites. About 90% of the effected website did not recovered from it. Google is constantly changing its algorithm in an effort to rank quality websites higher and penalize websites that try to"cheat" their way to the top. Many bloggers use black hat techniques to rank higher in search engines. Stay tuned or subscribe to know what are these techniques.

Here are three things you must do to ensure that your website does not get penalized in future algorithm updates:

Provide Good Content

If you provide quality content, visitors will link to yourpages because visitors will always be willing to share good content. When visitors link to your site from a variety of websites using a variety of keywords, your website will retain what Google sees as a "natural" link profile. This is great for Google's new algorithms.

Write Unique Content

Writing unique content means two things: don't copy content from other sites, and make each page on your site unique. Google's new algorithms don't like to see regurgitated content on a website. If you want to know how to write unique contents click on it.

Build Links With Caution

If you decide to outsource link building, make sure that your links come from a variety of different sources and have a mix of generic words and keywords as the linking text. You should comment on other blogs in your niche to gain links. But remember, only blogs with dofollow will give you quality links. Commenting on nofollow enabled blogs will only give you some amount of traffic. How to get noticed through commenting on other blogs.

Also, Google's new algorithms heavily weigh the quality and similarity of the sites that link to your site. Therefore, a good portion of your links should come from related sites that are also of good quality. In summary, you want to provide good unique content while maintaining a natural link profile to protect yourself against Google's new algorithms.

Make Your Blog Ready For Google's Changing Algorithm

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