Google is the most powerful search engine among all on internet, when it comes to crawl any site no one can beat Google in this. Blogger Templates have custom search boxes provided by blogger as default. But, it has limited power to search and give result from your blog. The best solution for this is to use google custom search for blog. This dig out the blog more efficiently and brings most valuable data in front of visitors. This also increases the number of pageviews because visitors get engaged in reading more and more. I am already using it on my blog, you should also add this to make your blog attractive.
First, Create Google Custom Search
1. Go to Google CSE.
2. Click on 'create search engine'.
3. Fill the form as below.
4. You will be redirected to the page where you can get the code for search engine. But, it's default design is not so good, you have to custom it.
5. Click on Edit Search Engine and then on look and feel.
6. Choose the layout which you want, I will highly recommended you to choose 'overlay'. This layout enable search results to appear over the page. After choosing the layout click 'Save' button.
7. Now click on customize tab, here you will find to change your search box appearance. Make it as you want and click 'Save & Get Code' button. You will be on this page.
8. Copy the code.
Must Read: Introducing 'The Pro Blogging' Blogger Template
Must Read: Introducing 'The Pro Blogging' Blogger Template
Add Google Custom Search Engine To Blog.
- Go To Blogger > Pageelements.
- Choose a HTML/ JavaScript Widget,
- Paste your Sidebar Search Engine Code (Overlay) in it.
- Save and you are done!
- View your blog to see it working just fine.
While adding this blog, if you have any error you can comment to below to get help. I have successfully added to my blog. You should add it as early as possible to make a big change inblog design and traffic.
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