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Friday, 26 July 2013

5 On Site Factors To Make Your Site Fully SEO Optimized

5 On Site Factors To Make Your Site Fully SEO Optimized

5 On Site Factors To Make Your Site Fully SEO Optimized

We're going to talk about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) "Whoa now, that sounds a bit technical!" You say, well don't worry about it. It's not all that complicated. Once you've got the basics down and remember to follow some simple steps, you'll be good to go. So, what is SEO? Simply put, it's aligning your website's content so that your site is ranked highly on search engine. After all, every sites on internet depend on search engine for their business. Here's the researched article that can surely help you in getting your listed in search engines high.

Title Matters A Lot

I don't have to tell you much about title. Just you should know, title of the page attract attention of the readers and seo too. It is considered as the most important factors of a website that decide your site rank in the eyes of your readers and search engines. Title is the first thing that search engine focus on to know what is your post is all about. The same thing happens with your readers, they decide to read a long article, only after looking on the title.

Must Read: 5 Surefire Ways To Write Killer Headlines

Research Before Posting Each Post

Lets talk about your blog posts. A well made blog post starts with conducting a bit of keyword research. You can use Google's Keyword Tool to do a little searching and make sure people are looking for what you're writing about. The point here is to find a balance between a decent amount of people search but not too much competition. You can find the competition by searching the term through Google and checking for the number of results.

Once you've got the term or phrase, write your article. Now a lot of people go ahead and stuff the term every where in the article this isn't effective. You should include the term in your article, but its better to write a clear, coherent article that is based on the key term. You want people to get value from it! Finally, be sure to include this keyword in the post title, title tags and meta description of your blog.

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Set SEO Friendly Permalink With Some Key 

Lets talk a bit more about your site. Change your Permalinks setting to have URLs that are human readable. This turns out to be a great SEO tool as well. If the URL of a page or article on your site is what someone is searching on Google, it will rank better! So, your url must contain almost the same keywords that you have in title. It's very easy to customize the url in blogger and wordpress. I think you might know.

You Must Interlink Posts

The next step is interlinking, or linking pages and posts within your site to other pages in your website. The more links a page has going to it the better, so make sure you are connecting the dots between relevant content on your website. Because links matter so much, you should create links to the web outside of your site.

Actually, it works like Google Pagerank and this is just for search engine (sometimes for pagerank). How? Let's see example, you have two posts in which one is doing great in search engine results, another has not been get such rank. Then you must interlink low quality post to high quality post. The principle is here to tell that this (low quality post) is as important like me (high quality post).

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Do Some Tweaks With Images

And now one last tweak, images. When you add images to your articles (please do! It catches attention), there a few easy steps that can add a bit extra fuel to your optimization. Always use article relevant Alt text, file names and captions on your images. And, because speed matters when it comes to ranking, make sure to optimize the file size of any image you use.

I know there are other lot of info, but its pretty simple right? Even if it's still a bit foggy, make sure you keep at it and try to wrap your brain around it. This is important if you're looking to start making some good income. Don't forget, you can go ahead and achieve what you desire. So there you go we've got you up and running. Please, if you found this post helpful then comment below. It feels happy to see that I have helped someone.

5 On Site Factors To Make Your Site Fully SEO Optimized

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